Cyprus Cup – Final Day Update

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England were worthy winners of the Cyprus Cup beating Canada 1-0 to win the Trophy.

Round up of all the scores from the final day:

11th/12th place:   Republic of Korea 6 – 5  PEN. (1-1)  Belgium

9th/10th place:    Finland 2 – 1 South Africa

7th/8th place:      Scotland 3 – 1 The Netherlands

5th/6th place:      Australia 6 – 2 Czech Republic

3rd/4th place      Italy 2 – 3 Mexico

FINAL                   Canada 0 – 1 England

Meaning the final standings from this tournament are:

  1. England
  2. Canada
  3. Mexico
  4. Italy
  5. Australia
  6. Czech Republic
  7. Scotland
  8. The Netherlands
  9. Finland
  10. South Africa
  11. Republic of Korea
  12. Belgium