Source: Matchtight

Superb silver for Eilidh Doyle and Emily Diamond

University of Bath-based Eilidh Doyle and Emily Diamond helped Great Britain end London 2017 on a memorable note as they won a superb silver in the women’s 4x400m relay on the last night of the IAAF World Championships. British Athletics team captain Doyle, coached by Brian Doyle at the £30million Sports Training Village, built on the

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Source: Matchtight Ltd.

Final frustration for Eilidh Doyle at London 2017

University of Bath-based Eilidh Doyle admitted she was frustrated at not executing a better race after having to settle for eighth place in the 400m hurdles final at the London 2017 IAAF World Athletics Championships. The British Athletics team captain, coached by Brian Doyle at the Sports Training Village, was roared on by a capacity

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