Source: Lichfield Ladies

Lichfield RUFC show their support for Women’s Sports Week

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Lichfield RUFC will be showing their support for Women in Sport with a number of events, for all age groups, beginning this Sunday and finishing off with an invitation to watch a Premiership game as Lichfield Ladies take on Aylesford Bulls.  

This is a brief itinerary:

Sunday 2nd October (1pm – 3:30pm) Junior Pitch up and Play. This event is aimed at 11 (Yr7) to 18 year olds, who are new to rugby and eager to give it a go.

Tuesday 4th October (7:15 – 9pm) Senior Open invite. Aimed and females 18 and over that would like to come and see what Rugby is all about. This is an open invite to all players of every level, if you have never picked up a ball before or if you are interested to see what Premiership Training sessions look like, everyone is welcome.

Thursday 6th October (6:20 – 8pm) Junior training. This event is aimed at 11 (Yr7) to 18 year olds, who are new to rugby and eager to give it a go. This is an open training session for all.

Friday 7th October 7pm Onwards – Vets/ Casual Friday night fun. This is aimed at anyone that has not actively played in the last two years or who is over 35. This is an open invite to anyone that would like a get back involved and play the game. The Bar will then be open to celebrate being back on the pitch.

Saturday 8th October 5pm KO – Lichfield v Aylesford Premiership Fixture. This is an opportunity for everyone to come and watch a premiership game. Players& Supporters of all ages are welcome down to support the Ladies section, who Kick off after the 1st team Men.


Courtesy of Lichfield Ladies