Source: UEFA

Together #WePlayStrong celebrates Champions League final

After selling out in under an hour, UEFA Together #WePlayStrong’s online event featured line-up of Europe’s top female sport stars As FC Barcelona made history as the first Spanish team to win the UEFA Women’s Champions League on Sunday 16 May, UEFA Together #WePlayStrong hosted a first-of-its-kind digital event, uniting fans, players and prominent female

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Source: UEFA #WePlayStrong

Chelsea’s Pernille Harder joins campaign for equality in sport

Pernille Harder, the world’s most expensive female footballer, has joined our UEFA #WePlayStrong campaign to discuss the financial inequalities that exist within the sport by voicing her passionate views on the latest episode of UEFA #WePlayStrong’s ground-breaking new podcast series. In episode 4 of The Football Podcast, titled ‘The one where we don’t deserve equal

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