Edinburgh Rugby – 4 The Love Of Sport http://4theloveofsport.co.uk Champions Of Women's Sport Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:00:27 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.1.16 http://4theloveofsport.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/cropped-4tlos-iconw-32x32.png Edinburgh Rugby – 4 The Love Of Sport http://4theloveofsport.co.uk 32 32 Another Dramatic Game http://4theloveofsport.co.uk/2024/02/17/another-dramatic-game/ Sat, 17 Feb 2024 21:33:32 +0000 http://4theloveofsport.co.uk/?p=50365 Continue Reading →

Edinburgh Rugby v Wolfhounds

This was the game unbeaten Wolfhounds needed to ensure the trophy. It turned into a humdinger.
Edinburgh put up two testing kicks at the start, but it was Wolfhounds who scored the first try. The ball flicked out to Ellen Boylan on the left with good control. 0-5

But Edinburgh had Emma Orr on their side. She sudddenly burst through midfield, offered a swerve and a hand-off and was over, her fourth try of the campaign. 5-5

Wolfhounds were more efficient at this stage, the line-outs straighter, players running hard on to passes from the base of the ruck, unlike their opponents.

As the game developed, they added safe and telling off-loads to their repertoire, nothing showy, simply what the opposition didn’t want them to achieve. But after a long period on top, they found themsleves defending madly. Briar McNamara fed Cieron Bell, who was stopped just short on the left. But the referee had spotted an off-side, so Edinburgh had a free hand. The ball whipped into the centre, where, you may not be surprised to hear, it was Orr who snapped the line in two to run in under the posts. 12-5

Two minutes before the break Wolfhounds got the reward they deserved. A scrum near the hosts’ line caved in. Grace Moore tapped but was just held out. Instead, Christy Haney was there to finish the job.

Half-time 12-12

Another entertainingly close game; the second spell promised even better. Edinburgh scored a wonderful try. The pack worked hard in midfield, then the backs manufactured space cleverly – a double mis-pass, then a loop – leaving Bell enough room to canter over for her fifth of the campaign. McNamara fed her a beautiful pass. 19-12

Time for Alcorn to introduce Linda Djougang to rectify matters. Wolfhounds built methodically again, but as they drove over the line, the call once more was ‘held up!’

The next moment, there was Orr popping an overhead pass into Bell’s hands but she couldn’t quite make the line. No matter, they now copied Wolfhounds’ model of ball retention, hammering at the line for Alex Stewart to get the vital touchdown. That was the bonus point, if not conclusive victory. 26-12

On 70 minutes Wolfhounds opted for a scrum at a penalty a distance out. It took them a long time to make this superiority tell. Only four minutes were left when Linda Djougang forced her way over to give her team their first score since the break. Nikki Caughey hurried her kick, but didn’t muff it. 26-19.

Three minutes on the clock.

Edinburgh hadn’t sealed the deal; Wolfhounds weren’t the unbeaten side by chance. They attacked decisively as the clock turned red, and Katie Corrigan was allowed to run in under the posts for an easy conversion.

Result: 26-26 (that score again!)

This late riposte undid Edinburgh’s chances of overtaking the leaders. Where had that 14-point lead gone?


Edinburgh Rugby
15. Nicole Marlow (Cardiff Met), 14. Nicole Flynn (University of Edinburgh), 13. Emma Orr (Heriot’s/ Biggar), 12. Briar McNamara (Watsonian), 11. Cieron Bell (University of Edinburgh), 10. Sarah Denholm (captain, University of Edinburgh), 9. Jenny Maxwell (Loughborough Lightning), 1. Panashe Muzambe (Exeter Chiefs), 2. Millie Whitehouse (University of Edinburgh), 3. Katie Lindsay (Corstorphine Cougars), 4. Fiona McIntosh (Saracens), 5. Adelle Ferrie (Corstorphine Cougars),
6. Merryn Gunderson (Corstorphine Cougars), 7. Alex Stewart (Corstorphine Cougars), 8. Freya Walker (Watsonian)

16. Aila Ronald (University of Edinburgh), 17. Poppy Fletcher (University of Edinburgh), 18. Molly Poolman (Watsonian), 19. Nathasha Logan (University of Edinburgh), 20. Gemma Bell (Hartpury University), 21. Zoe Turner (Corstorphine Cougars), 22. Hannah Ramsay (Corstorphine Cougars), 23. Rhona Lloyd (GB Sevens)

15. Ava Ryder (Connacht), 14. Katie Corrigan (Leinster), 13. Leah Tarpey (Leinster), 12. Katie Heffernan (Leinster), 11. Ellen Boylan (Munster), 10. Nikki Caughey (Leinster), 9. Jade Gaffney (Leinster), 1. Aoife Moore (Leinster), 2. Meabh Clenaghan (Ulster), 3. Christy Haney (Leinster), 4. Eimear Corri (Leinster), 5. Hannah O’Connor (Leinster), 6. Claire Boles (Ulster), 7. Molly Boyne (captain, Leinster), 8. Grace Moore (Saracens)

16. India Daley (Ulster), 17. Linda Djougang (Leinster), 18. Sophie Barrett (Ulster), 19. Fiona Tuite (Ulster), 20. Keelin Brady (Ulster), 21. Katie Whelan (Leinster), 22. Abby Moyles (Ulster), 23. Kelly McCormill (Ulster)

Referee: David Young
ARs: Calum Lazenby and David Changleng with thanks to rugbyreferee.net

The Table                                                W    D    L    Pts

Wolfhounds                                            5     1      0      27
Edinburgh Rugby                                  4      1     1      23
Clovers                                                     3      0     2      14
Gwalia Lightning                                   2      0     3      12
Brython Thunder                                   1      0     4        6
Glasgow Warriors                                  0     0     5        0


Celtic Challenge – The Big One http://4theloveofsport.co.uk/2024/02/16/celtic-challenge-the-big-one/ Fri, 16 Feb 2024 20:03:47 +0000 http://4theloveofsport.co.uk/?p=50356 Continue Reading →

Edinburgh Rugby v Wolfhounds
Saturday 17 February
Hive Stadium (Saturday 17 February, kick-off 1pm)

The game in Edinburgh brings the top two sides together. Unbeaten Wolfhounds have to travel to take on second-placed Edinburgh Rugby.

This is the opening round of the playoffs, so final outcomes wait till later, but the contest presents a chance for both sides to stake a first claim on the trophy.

Inevitably the head coaches are pulling out all the stops. One stop Scottish fans may not have realised their organ possesses is Rhona Lloyd (pictured above), who is suddenly produced out of the magician’s hat, or perhaps smuggled out of GB 7s den (that’s three metaphors jammed together!). If she is allowed off the bench, she will make her debut for her native city. But only if! As Lloyd appears, so Lisa Thomson disappears. They’ll miss her kicking skills.

Claire Cruikshank’s side saw off the other Irish side, Clovers, with a bonus point, but this will be a different test. Wolfhounds’ 5 out of 5 points to a teaky unit that is hard to break down and keep down. Cruikshank has made minimal changes: Briar McNamara is restored to inside-centre; Fi McIntosh strengthens the pack as she returns to the second row. The one other prospective debutant alongside Lloyd is Zoe Turner at scrum-half.

Neill Alcorn, head coach of the Wolfhounds, has made four changes: Christy Haney comes in at tight-head, and the Saracen, Grace Moore, wears No 8. Out behind Ellen Boylan starts on the left wing and Leah Tarpey at No 13.

One slight difference in approach is seen in the clubs the players hail from. The hosts offer three from PWR clubs, the visitors only one. But that is the whole point of the enterprise: the emphasis is laid strongly on home-grown talent. The elite squad can look after itself for the present.

The capital side lie a whole four points behind their opponents, so are under no illusions about the task they are taking on. But they have had sufficient success in recent weeks to feel really buoyed.

A brief reminder: the six teams have divided into two pools, based on earlier results. Edinburgh find themsleves taking on both the Irish sides in Pool A.

Edinburgh Rugby
15. Nicole Marlow (Cardiff Met), 14. Nicole Flynn (University of Edinburgh), 13. Emma Orr (Heriot’s/ Biggar), 12. Briar McNamara (Watsonian), 11. Cieron Bell (University of Edinburgh), 10. Sarah Denholm (captain, University of Edinburgh), 9. Jenny Maxwell (Loughborough Lightning), 1. Panashe Muzambe (Exeter Chiefs), 2. Millie Whitehouse (University of Edinburgh), 3. Katie Lindsay (Corstorphine Cougars), 4. Fiona McIntosh (Saracens), 5. Adelle Ferrie (Corstorphine Cougars),
6. Merryn Gunderson (Corstorphine Cougars), 7. Alex Stewart (Corstorphine Cougars), 8. Freya Walker (Watsonian)

16. Aila Ronald (University of Edinburgh), 17. Poppy Fletcher (University of Edinburgh), 18. Molly Poolman (Watsonian), 19. Nathasha Logan (University of Edinburgh), 20. Gemma Bell (Hartpury University), 21. Zoe Turner (Corstorphine Cougars), 22. Hannah Ramsay (Corstorphine Cougars), 23. Rhona Lloyd (GB Sevens)

15. Ava Ryder (Connacht), 14. Katie Corrigan (Leinster), 13. Leah Tarpey (Leinster), 12. Katie Heffernan (Leinster), 11. Ellen Boylan (Munster), 10. Nikki Caughey (Leinster), 9. Jade Gaffney (Leinster), 1. Aoife Moore (Leinster), 2. Meabh Clenaghan (Ulster), 3. Christy Haney (Leinster), 4. Eimear Corri (Leinster), 5. Hannah O’Connor (Leinster), 6. Claire Boles (Ulster), 7. Molly Boyne (captain, Leinster), 8. Grace Moore (Saracens)

16. India Daley (Ulster), 17. Linda Djougang (Leinster), 18. Sophie Barrett (Ulster), 19. Fiona Tuite (Ulster), 20. Keelin Brady (Ulster), 21. Katie Whelan (Leinster), 22. Abby Moyles (Ulster), 23. Kelly McCormill (Ulster)

Referee: David Young
ARs: Calum Lazenby and David Changleng with thanks to rugbyreferee.net

The other game taking place the same day is Glasgow Warriors v Brython Thunder at Scotstoun, Glasgow.

As usual, the games will be transmitted live and free by rugbypass.tv

Gwalia Lightning v Edinburgh Rugby http://4theloveofsport.co.uk/2024/01/28/gwalia-lightning-v-edinburgh-rugby/ Sun, 28 Jan 2024 21:00:14 +0000 http://4theloveofsport.co.uk/?p=50146 Continue Reading →

Celtic Challenge – Round Four
Cardiff Arms Park, Third v Fourth

A thoroughly exciting game, possibly the best of the series so far.

After a kick-tennis start, the game really warmed up. Gwalia were held on the line, then Jenny De Vera made a thrilling break through midfield and found an off-load. Lightning repossessed and flung the ball wide – but oh dear! – the scoring pass finished in touch. Chance gone.

At last Edinburgh managed a turnover and Caity Mattinson sent the ball down into foreign territory, where, if there had been blades of grass, they would have been trodden down for the first time.

Both sides were looking to play a rapid game, Mattinson twice taking a tap and go, but not from the correct spot on one occasion. Sian Jones was equally proactive.

The Scots had their first big chance at a 5-metre line-out, but once again the throw was crook. How many practice arrows do hookers launch every day?

A second effort worked perfectly. The pack rumbled ahead till they gained a penalty, but the ball was thrown wide for Ciaron Bell to win a foot-race to the line. But, and it’s a big but, evidence was provided that she was held up by Rhodd Parry. No try!

Yet another penalty back on the original side worked perfectly. A well controlled drive saw Millie Whitehouse claim the opening points. 0-5

Both sides went on playing positive rugby; one marked feature was the strength of Lisa Thomson’s kicking; it kept pinning the Welsh back in their half.

Edinburgh were dominating possession now, off-loading at will and recycling at speed. The outcome was a break to the line, but – alas! – Thomson spilled the ball.

More delightful combinations brought Bell her second try on the left. The passes alternated long and short, deep and shallow, so defences were unsure who and where to mark. 0-10

Two faulty kicks by Mattinson brought the Welsh back into the game. The first went straight out; the second into the arms of Robyn Wilkins who produced a splendid 50/22. Gwalia developed the position well, big drives, then quick hands to the left. But once more the final pass was thrown into touch. No need to show coaches tearing their hair out.

The misery didn’t last long. Sian Jones bundled her way over the line to start cutting that lead back. 7-10
Just before half-time another failed line-out brought a setback for the Welsh. The last thrust for the line was made by Poppy Fletcher.

Half-time: 7-15

It was vital for Gwalia to sort the scoreboard out. They did so with a vengeance, though it took them another twenty minutes. They posted two tries in quick time to take the lead. They were denied first by a turnover roughly a metre from the Scottish line, but then Jones, very much a driving force behind Lightning’s endeavours, squirmed her way over the line for her second. 12-15

Hardly two minutes later Katie Thicker somehow found her way past a string of defenders on the right touch-line to run clear and rouse the home crowd to more cheers. Once again the conversion was missed. 19-15

For the first time the team in blue was in the lead. Could they hold on? There was a full 15 minutes left to decide the issue.

A penalty decision against Lightning assured their fate. Thomson launched a fine kick into the left corner. The throw was not taken cleanly, but the Scottish forwards kept possession and drove to the line. They had to be patient as the defences were strong, but when Panashe Muzambe grabbed the ball, she burrowed underneath to score near the left edge. Another missed conversion meant the slenderest of leads, but Gwalia couldn’t turn the tide.

Edinburgh were canny in the way they kept possession offering next to no chances for Gwalia to turn the ball over. They advanced firmly down the field till the call came ‘Time’s up’, and appropriately it was Thomson, named Player of the Match, who cleared the ball into the stand. She might have preferred to be in Perth, claiming a bronze medal for GB, but she performed admirably here.

Result: Gwalia Lightning 19 Edinburgh Rugby 20

Both sides won a bonus point


Gwalia Lightning: R Parry, C Lewis, J De Vera, R De Filippo, K Davies, R Wilkins, S Jones, A
Constable, M Reardon, J Scoble, P Jones, B King (captain), M Davies, L Issac, T Evans

Bench: S Waugh, D Dinapoli, L Williams, E Jones, S Mead, K Deeks, R Thomas Evans, K Thicker

Edinburgh Rugby: N Marlow, N Flynn, E Orr, L Thomson, C Bell, S Denholm (captain), C
Mattinson, P Fletcher, M Whitehouse, M Poolman, A Ferrie, N Logan, M Gunderson, A Stewart, F

Bench: A Ronald, P Muzambe, K Lindsay, S Murphy, G Bell, L Brebner-Holden, B McNamara, H

Referee: Amber Stamp (WRU)
ARs: Richard Jones (WRU) & Damien Osbourne (WRU)
with thanks to rugbyreferee.net

The win takes Edinburgh into second place. Their pace and cohesion were a lesson to their city neighbours Glasgow yesterday.

The last of the regular rounds takes place next weekend. The slim-line table looks like this:

Wolfhounds 19 Points
Edinburgh R 15
Clovers 14
Gwalia L 11
Brython T 1
Glasgow W 0

So Ireland lie 1st and 3rd; Scotland 2nd and 6th; Wales 4th and 5th.
